Friday, November 5, 2010

Who is Aiming you, my son?

God's Boys will be good boys!

In Proverbs 5:21, it is clear that the ways that you go are pondered by the Lord. It is as though God is looking at men as His gun. Where are you aiming yourself? Are you aiming yourself to the good of the next generation? Are you aiming yourself for the development of love and honor? Then, you are His gun and He takes pleasure in your ways, cleans and sharpens you. But, if you lend yourself to the love of your own ways and not family and growth for the next generation, You may never know His hand upon you. That would be the worst judgement of all. Do you sit in the holster and wait for the direction of the Lord? Do you wait in the quiver of home and wait for the help of the Lord in your direction? Know His ways and sense His direction and help upon your life. It is direction to love and grow your family and live to His glory in the world. There is really nothing better than to know that about yourself. Am I God's gun?