Monday, February 14, 2011

What, my son?

God's Boys will be good boys!

What does this paper say? I am looking at an orange paper with various and sundry questions about the Bible.
I love how the mother in Proverbs 31 shows the neutrality of the questions of sons. What are you asking me, son? What is your question? Do you see this mother? Can you feel this emotion with me? I need you to help me, son, what is it?
When mother and child attempt to bear with and communicate with one another there are unspoken understandings. I wanted to say my piece before he said his.
I am often too outspoken, saying that is wrong and this is awful and that is off key and that is out of tune and that is the wrong flavor and this is the wrong way to say that and you should have washed your hands first. This time, I shut up and let him tell me the wrong thing that I should have seen.
Do you see the glory of God attacked? Do you see the minimizing of the Word of God? I do, my son. What should I do? What can I do?
God had given us a launching pad into devotions that we didn't expect. There are attacks against God's Word all around us and we must not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
God grant us all the sensitive spirit to note Your concerns for Your Word, even above all Your Name. Thank You for the season of defending and learning to live in the fear of God and in the love of one another. Amen.