Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crown HIM

Crown Him with many crowns?

He has victory over death Hell and the Grave, among other things but it those are the main things that ail us in this dark veil of tears.  Where is his crown in my life?  Is He Lord Matchless over all things personal as well as all things corporate?  I wonder and I look introspectively this morning.

Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His Throne,
Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but it’s own?

How can you hear how the heavenly anthem drowns all other music?
How can you listen to the music that is drowning other music?
Does your music dissolve in the Heavenly anthem, when submerged?
Is your music part of the Heavenly anthem or adverse to it?

I do love music

Friday, September 6, 2019

Getting to know you. so very grateful.

God’s good boys become good men!

A little fellow came and put his head on my knee and said to me, mother. How can a young man cleanse his way… By taking heed according to Thy word!  That little boy was you.

I was so happy that you were so happy to memorize God’s word and tell it to me like that.  But nothing thrills my heart like a concerned son for his mother’s well being.  This morning, when you shared your juice and water and showed real care for my sickness, which really isn’t that bad.  I Thanked God, like never before for your special friendship and exactness in so much of the things that you do around our home and in our care.  Thanks Son!

Monday, August 26, 2019

What about the children?

God's Boys will be good boys!

The commandments and the Fruit of the Spirit are a necessary tool to rearing children to mind and fear the truth of God.

Linked with prayer, the catechism reminds us that we are unable to truly accomplish these things that are set before us to do.  But, it gives a good and true direction for growth and ambition.  Straightening the back of the child in spiritual things to reach for the sky in his own activity or suffer the consequences.  It humbles the personal attitude of the parent who could think that he or she is the god to be feared and heeded.  I too am under authority, it says.  I am listening to God and so must you!
For Example:
Jeconiah, in Scripture was deceived about his faith.  He was an orphan who grew up in a family that feared God, but the faith wasn’t passed onto him in truth.  How could this be?  Not a personal loss only, I believe; this is a failure to follow through on the stroke of your application of the truths in your child’s life.  Asking what this means to you and seeing to it that real corrections are inculcated into the life.  Prayer and continued pressing the scriptures into the infant soul is like yeast in the bread.  Press it into the batter early and often.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Democratic pontification on the Mountain the debates?

God's Boys will be good boys!

To say so little with so much time, is astonishing.

I watched with tepid anticipation of Bold and Sweeping ambitions guiding us into a positive vision of future events from the thinkers and political pundits.  Not So.  When in doubt say Trump, was what I heard.   
The people who think are shut down, by saying that is how Trump won.

it seems that they still don’t get it.  They are blaming people for not wanting anymore of this veiled elitism that has become the order of the day in Political pansying.   

The youngsters who gave real and realistic proposals were shut down for long stories from the elder states people about what they would have done had they the time to have done it.  They’ve been given that time and they haven’t until now, taken up the tasks that they are talking about.  I think it means that they are incapable.  The less time that people were given and yet able to make their point and discuss the problem with a real and candid directness was refreshing.  The long stories are the problem, to my mind.  Don’t tell me stories about this or that person you know who hasn’t been able to find their solution.  Tell me the solution.

Are you going to tax people?  You don’t consider yourselves elitists because you don’t make 50million yet.  Balderdash.  You have made it.  Stop pretending that you are a regular person trying to get things done.  You are about continuing the status quo.  we Americans are not afraid of rich people saying I am rich and I am trying to carve a path for such thinking for everybody.  They have shut those voices down so much.  they don’t recognize the solution, because they are justifying their lifestyles without letting people know that they are rich.  Come On.

Let the people with real answers and bold amazing ideas talk and not these elitists educated ish.  who have the philosophy that all are poor who want to be poor.  If you did what I did, you wouldn’t be poor.  Lets bring ini immigrants to show that off.  give them everything you haven’t had access to, so we can grow the party.  The boat is sinking!   We don’t know why.  Lets continue denying real americans and start again with new americans.  To show the left behind poor how to do it.   Who is losing out to such policies?   FLINT, etc!!!

I say Delaney was the winner, who with less time said more than any on that stage.  It is time for a person with few words and much doing and right priorities of that which is at home to direct the narrative.   

It is lying when Donald Trump does it.  It is directing the narrative, when they say it!  Semanticists need not apply, should be on somebody’s advertisement for the application of Office of President.  It is time to pass the Torch, the torch of self fulfilling leadership.  All for us and the best for us and forget everybody else.  We get raises and We get health care and we get and live off the peoples taxes and offer them nothing but inviting the rest of the world in to prove that poverty is the poor’s fault!  

Get off your fatted 401 ks and do something!