Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crown HIM

Crown Him with many crowns?

He has victory over death Hell and the Grave, among other things but it those are the main things that ail us in this dark veil of tears.  Where is his crown in my life?  Is He Lord Matchless over all things personal as well as all things corporate?  I wonder and I look introspectively this morning.

Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His Throne,
Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but it’s own?

How can you hear how the heavenly anthem drowns all other music?
How can you listen to the music that is drowning other music?
Does your music dissolve in the Heavenly anthem, when submerged?
Is your music part of the Heavenly anthem or adverse to it?

I do love music

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