Monday, August 26, 2019

What about the children?

God's Boys will be good boys!

The commandments and the Fruit of the Spirit are a necessary tool to rearing children to mind and fear the truth of God.

Linked with prayer, the catechism reminds us that we are unable to truly accomplish these things that are set before us to do.  But, it gives a good and true direction for growth and ambition.  Straightening the back of the child in spiritual things to reach for the sky in his own activity or suffer the consequences.  It humbles the personal attitude of the parent who could think that he or she is the god to be feared and heeded.  I too am under authority, it says.  I am listening to God and so must you!
For Example:
Jeconiah, in Scripture was deceived about his faith.  He was an orphan who grew up in a family that feared God, but the faith wasn’t passed onto him in truth.  How could this be?  Not a personal loss only, I believe; this is a failure to follow through on the stroke of your application of the truths in your child’s life.  Asking what this means to you and seeing to it that real corrections are inculcated into the life.  Prayer and continued pressing the scriptures into the infant soul is like yeast in the bread.  Press it into the batter early and often.

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