God's Boys will be good boys!
God, through the Holy Spirit condemns Baal worship. Sometimes, I think that we are holding onto Baal and letting go of worship. Baal is the lordship of anything other than the true and living God. We have so much stuff that lords over us. We have so much privilege, that lords over us. We have so much anxiety that lords over us. I call them the "time flies". Flies that are eating at our time and our worship and our heart's attention. I call them the things that eat at our love. We get distracted by the obvious things, that we may have discarded, for more of Him, but what of the things that our hearts still cling to.
On this day that we have been blessed with much stuff, as a gift. I pray for help to repent of my own Baal worship. Help me see You, God, through the lattice of my stuff.