Friday, October 14, 2011

Seaming, or Seeming to Seam?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Proverbs 14:27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

Sometimes our doctrine and practice promote life and sometimes not. God doesn't want us to be overly scrupulous, ie. double checking the dotting of the i's and the crossing of the t's in our doctrinal perspectives. He does, however, bid us to know the state of our souls and whether or not our doctrine is lending to life or departing from the snares of death. Are we opening the fountain of life in our souls? The ears of hearing and the feet of doing the Word of God, are we learning to grow in these unstopping the fountains of our disobedience and sluggishness. Are we observing and growing in relation to God and His precepts? In these things, we are seeming our souls to our bodies and to the Body of Christ. And not just, concerned about putting on appearances.
Do these people see me to be a pious Christian? This is not the question unto edification. Am I related to God and does my soul embrace the priorities of the Grace of God, for His glory and not for mine? Do I labor unto the Lord and for His glory and the good of others? Do I use my might to show forth the image of God in my labor and in my rest? This is the fourth commandment. Laboring, in imitation of God and resting in the imitation of God. Stepping softly for our God and carrying a big example of practice is a large testimony in this age.
Many can say that they had a large, visible cross, ever in view. They spoke up at every juncture. God's test is departing from the ways of evil and death. When did we do that, was the question of the Godly people, exemplified in scripture. Evidently, they didn't even know that it was Jesus that they ministered to. They only knew that they were rightly related to Him and did all that they could to preserve life and live out the Gospel.