MY son Enoch was asked to speak at the youth service at Central. I was so pleased and wanted so much to be there, but I wasn't sure if my presence would detract from the Word.
God made a way for me to be there and I sat in the corner and received the Word, as though it was anyone else. God is not stuck and needy, He is no respecter of persons and that means that He can use the young as well as the old. He can use the very bold and confident and He can use the very humble and quiet person. I believe that. I received much from that Word, I am trying to put into practice the mortification of my sins, when I am aware of them. I am desirous to know more of God in the putting away of my sins on a regular basis. I am grateful that God used my son in our church to speak of the beauty of knowing that God can assist us to get closer to Him, everyday.May God bless your ministry and your Christian walk, in Jesus' Name, Amen.