Monday, December 12, 2011
Dearest Elder Boy,
God's Boys will be good boys!
I am grateful for your service and gifts and card for my birthday. I am grateful that you care and are attentive to my delicate condition, lately. Thank you for praying for me and telling me about it. I love seeing the heritage of brotherly love passing down from generation to generation. The care for your younger, and even elder siblings is refreshing.
As you swiftly fly into manhood and manly faith, the question becomes more urgent; "How can a young man keep his way pure?"
Christ has much help for the fallen and distressed and He has much protection for those whose hands are in His hand. It looks like a useless thing, to try to keep your way, sometimes. People are prospering in their way and they cheat and carry false balances. But Our Father in Heaven, whose name is always hallowed, carries the true and correct balance. He feeds and cares and shepherds our souls. When we fall, we, in and through Christ, have promises of restoration from His mighty and powerful hand. When we struggle, we know His comfort and grace and peace. When we are cast down, we are most sure that Our Father has reason and purpose and peace for us at the end of the difficult storm. "How do I take heed according to THY Word?" should be my question. Why is the purity of my soul the first to slip from my grasp?
This test is one of your scope into your own soul, before you shipwreck. If you are being guided, sometimes you may see an ice glacier sticking out of the water, so to speak. This is the impurity. Lord, I would not want to shipwreck. Hold me close to Yourself in my distresses, that the ship of my soul would not capsize. I want to be guided and directed by You.
The decision to trust that God is doing good, even when it feels bad, is nurtured by the Holy Spirit. It is the fruit of a well instructed conscience. It is the fruit of the rightly divided Word of God. I know that God is far above my circumstance and knows far more than I do. His way is right, though my soul is blinded to His goodness by grief or sin or ignorance of His ways. I will either put on the glasses that correct my vision, or the glasses that mar it with regards to God's goodness.
The first thing that I lose sight of, when I am determined to go my own way, is the sight of God's goodness. From Adam ie. "It was the woman that "YOU" gave me..." to Saul "It was the people, YOU left me with, demanding a sacrifice". We all blame the goodness of God when we have it in our minds to go our own way.
Lord You are good, should be our prayer. I want to do right, but my heart is bent to this or that evil course. It is not my Good God that has tempted me. It is not my Good God that has deceived me. I ate of the fruit and I beg for the sacrifice of Christ to cover and cleanse me and lead me in a straighter path, that I might not sin against You.
Memorizing the "Act of Contrition" has often blessed my soul when I have found myself wallowing in the mire of selfish sinful persistence. Scripture and the knowledge that it is not Him, it is I that have the problem.
Do I detest all my sins, because they offend Thee my God?Am I truly heartly sorry? Only the Holy Spirit can make those words true in the soul. Not the much saying and not the flagellation of the soul, by some outstanding act of penance, but the instructed conscience, blessed by the Holy Spirit. Open the eyes of the blinded by grief and help them have a sight of Your comfort and goodness, even through the dark foggy night of the soul. Bring Your Church to a place of ministry to the oppressed that will open the blinded eyes and comfort the broken hearted. That You may be glorified on the earth and seen as justified by the people that You have redeemed by Your most precious blood.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
What are we thankful for when adulthood is staring at us?
God's Boys will be good boys!
I see the perspective of life, that is advertised today is see the worst and know that you have no ability to change it. That is a godless and very krass attitude. I don't think that you have imbibed it, but it can't help but affect the way that you think and plan for the future. You are looking at manhood and you have men in your life ie. Your father and pastors and ministers and others, who are showing you the God perspective.
The perspective doesn't start with us and it doesn't end with us. A little that a righteous man has ie. joy, peace, longsuffering, etc, is far more than the entire state of the world. God and you, dear boy are a majority. Do your best to look above the hardships of your limitations and see that God is molding and growing you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
I see the perspective of life, that is advertised today is see the worst and know that you have no ability to change it. That is a godless and very krass attitude. I don't think that you have imbibed it, but it can't help but affect the way that you think and plan for the future. You are looking at manhood and you have men in your life ie. Your father and pastors and ministers and others, who are showing you the God perspective.
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people"
The perspective doesn't start with us and it doesn't end with us. A little that a righteous man has ie. joy, peace, longsuffering, etc, is far more than the entire state of the world. God and you, dear boy are a majority. Do your best to look above the hardships of your limitations and see that God is molding and growing you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
What, My son?
God's Boys will be good boys!
What a pleasure it was to discuss English Lit with my 17 year old! Watching God place the baton in the next generation's hands and cause sympathies to emerge from the soul of the future. It was delightful.
They say a son is a son, till he finds a wife. It is clear that my sons are wedded to the gospel from the earliest days. They are never mine. Not in the way that the girls have been. I must pry and press for any answer of what they are doing or thinking. I saw the word sepulcher on the laptop and decided that it was time to press for some interaction.
I am grateful for every contribution he gives. He said, You know what, I missed the end of the world this time. It passed without a hitch. I am glad, I responded. But what is it about a sepulcher that you are looking at. English is getting me down, was the response. This was the second interaction about an emotional downer in school. I had to tag this second and jump on it with both feet. These interaction are getting fewer and fewer with age. My very aware husband is always trying to keep me from wrapping my apron strings around the boys, because of my over mothering tendency and this keeps me at arms length in most subjects. This emotional stuff is my subject. Walkers don't talk about those kinds of things. We have gotten along for generations without the help of a psychiatrist and I will not have you making my son shrink happy, was the underlying theme, understood. I persisted none-the-less.
The Scarlet Letter was read by my sensitive lad, {that is you Enoch, if you are reading this}. I remembered the heart palpitations that were mine in the reading and the watching of this dramatic story. I remembered other short stories that haunted my heart and still crop up in the midnight hours of a halloween season or other. We interacted on this theme for all of 10 minutes, a very long time on a sensitive theme such as this. Not another word, except to say that, I think that the story is sensitive because it is a part of our personal history and the smoke that could have been the lot of our own souls, but especially my dearest Grandmother makes the story ring more true for us. God sent a godly and Christian family to pray for my Grandma and lead her to see that repentance is the key and not the situation of her state with the church on earth. She was able to see a way out, right from the door into Hell, as it were. I believe that God saved her. The Lord is real and I am grateful that I had memorized the Documents of Vatican II before reading the Scarlet Letter. I think that this gave me some stablization in the reading of it.
Enoch said, Mom, I felt alone in the reading of it. I felt dark and without direction. It is my opinion that we should never leave children without direction in the reading of such things as this. It seems situational. It questions the goodness of God. It questions the reasonableness of all that we profess. Or should we? On second thought, I believe it may have been good to let him to himself in the reading; that if we ever needed the Lord, or call out to the Lord for His realness, it is when we are faced with a dilemma such as the Scarlet Letter, or other such ironies of our own lives. Especially, when we have a tendency to self righteousness, we should look at the chains of our own pride that would lead us to Hell, if not vanquished by the stronger than the strong man, Jesus. We do not know how to pray as we ought. Left to ourselves we would make a mockery, even of the gospel. God gives us both sides the side of righteousness in self, needing cleansing and the side of perversity and dirt, so clearly needing cleansing. God give us grace to walk with You and not to lean to our own understanding.
What a pleasure it was to discuss English Lit with my 17 year old! Watching God place the baton in the next generation's hands and cause sympathies to emerge from the soul of the future. It was delightful.
They say a son is a son, till he finds a wife. It is clear that my sons are wedded to the gospel from the earliest days. They are never mine. Not in the way that the girls have been. I must pry and press for any answer of what they are doing or thinking. I saw the word sepulcher on the laptop and decided that it was time to press for some interaction.
I am grateful for every contribution he gives. He said, You know what, I missed the end of the world this time. It passed without a hitch. I am glad, I responded. But what is it about a sepulcher that you are looking at. English is getting me down, was the response. This was the second interaction about an emotional downer in school. I had to tag this second and jump on it with both feet. These interaction are getting fewer and fewer with age. My very aware husband is always trying to keep me from wrapping my apron strings around the boys, because of my over mothering tendency and this keeps me at arms length in most subjects. This emotional stuff is my subject. Walkers don't talk about those kinds of things. We have gotten along for generations without the help of a psychiatrist and I will not have you making my son shrink happy, was the underlying theme, understood. I persisted none-the-less.
The Scarlet Letter was read by my sensitive lad, {that is you Enoch, if you are reading this}. I remembered the heart palpitations that were mine in the reading and the watching of this dramatic story. I remembered other short stories that haunted my heart and still crop up in the midnight hours of a halloween season or other. We interacted on this theme for all of 10 minutes, a very long time on a sensitive theme such as this. Not another word, except to say that, I think that the story is sensitive because it is a part of our personal history and the smoke that could have been the lot of our own souls, but especially my dearest Grandmother makes the story ring more true for us. God sent a godly and Christian family to pray for my Grandma and lead her to see that repentance is the key and not the situation of her state with the church on earth. She was able to see a way out, right from the door into Hell, as it were. I believe that God saved her. The Lord is real and I am grateful that I had memorized the Documents of Vatican II before reading the Scarlet Letter. I think that this gave me some stablization in the reading of it.
Enoch said, Mom, I felt alone in the reading of it. I felt dark and without direction. It is my opinion that we should never leave children without direction in the reading of such things as this. It seems situational. It questions the goodness of God. It questions the reasonableness of all that we profess. Or should we? On second thought, I believe it may have been good to let him to himself in the reading; that if we ever needed the Lord, or call out to the Lord for His realness, it is when we are faced with a dilemma such as the Scarlet Letter, or other such ironies of our own lives. Especially, when we have a tendency to self righteousness, we should look at the chains of our own pride that would lead us to Hell, if not vanquished by the stronger than the strong man, Jesus. We do not know how to pray as we ought. Left to ourselves we would make a mockery, even of the gospel. God gives us both sides the side of righteousness in self, needing cleansing and the side of perversity and dirt, so clearly needing cleansing. God give us grace to walk with You and not to lean to our own understanding.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Seaming, or Seeming to Seam?
God's Boys will be good boys!
Sometimes our doctrine and practice promote life and sometimes not. God doesn't want us to be overly scrupulous, ie. double checking the dotting of the i's and the crossing of the t's in our doctrinal perspectives. He does, however, bid us to know the state of our souls and whether or not our doctrine is lending to life or departing from the snares of death. Are we opening the fountain of life in our souls? The ears of hearing and the feet of doing the Word of God, are we learning to grow in these unstopping the fountains of our disobedience and sluggishness. Are we observing and growing in relation to God and His precepts? In these things, we are seeming our souls to our bodies and to the Body of Christ. And not just, concerned about putting on appearances.
Do these people see me to be a pious Christian? This is not the question unto edification. Am I related to God and does my soul embrace the priorities of the Grace of God, for His glory and not for mine? Do I labor unto the Lord and for His glory and the good of others? Do I use my might to show forth the image of God in my labor and in my rest? This is the fourth commandment. Laboring, in imitation of God and resting in the imitation of God. Stepping softly for our God and carrying a big example of practice is a large testimony in this age.
Many can say that they had a large, visible cross, ever in view. They spoke up at every juncture. God's test is departing from the ways of evil and death. When did we do that, was the question of the Godly people, exemplified in scripture. Evidently, they didn't even know that it was Jesus that they ministered to. They only knew that they were rightly related to Him and did all that they could to preserve life and live out the Gospel.
Proverbs 14:27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sometimes our doctrine and practice promote life and sometimes not. God doesn't want us to be overly scrupulous, ie. double checking the dotting of the i's and the crossing of the t's in our doctrinal perspectives. He does, however, bid us to know the state of our souls and whether or not our doctrine is lending to life or departing from the snares of death. Are we opening the fountain of life in our souls? The ears of hearing and the feet of doing the Word of God, are we learning to grow in these unstopping the fountains of our disobedience and sluggishness. Are we observing and growing in relation to God and His precepts? In these things, we are seeming our souls to our bodies and to the Body of Christ. And not just, concerned about putting on appearances.
Do these people see me to be a pious Christian? This is not the question unto edification. Am I related to God and does my soul embrace the priorities of the Grace of God, for His glory and not for mine? Do I labor unto the Lord and for His glory and the good of others? Do I use my might to show forth the image of God in my labor and in my rest? This is the fourth commandment. Laboring, in imitation of God and resting in the imitation of God. Stepping softly for our God and carrying a big example of practice is a large testimony in this age.
Many can say that they had a large, visible cross, ever in view. They spoke up at every juncture. God's test is departing from the ways of evil and death. When did we do that, was the question of the Godly people, exemplified in scripture. Evidently, they didn't even know that it was Jesus that they ministered to. They only knew that they were rightly related to Him and did all that they could to preserve life and live out the Gospel.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I love the lessons of being in a big family.
God's Boys will be good boys!
It seems a blessing to be a part of a big family, except when it comes to the area of gossip. A story or an identity of being one of the people in a large family can follow you for the rest of your life. We have a pecking order set up in a family and as the eldest child, eldest son, or just one of the older ones, we are often the perpetrators of the identities of our younger siblings.
I often tell you guys how, we would gang up on Amy or Jo, or the "Flora Dora's" as if for sport. You are a ... and any number of categories would follow and we would agree that that was what they were. A Beggar, was the worst thing, in our family to have been. Don't let someone come to the car or on the walk, with a piece of candy or gum from someone else. The family labeler would be set upon them and they would have to live for a long time to come with that dilineation.
I see David, living out that scene in Goliath, as his brothers castigate him in the usual way. He was used to it. As we become, when we are members together under the same father. It became the gas, as it were that fueled his antipathy to the godless and cursing of Goliath. It made him pull out his resume, to King Saul. No, I am not just Jesse's youngest and out here to spy on my older brothers. I am first, a creation of God and I know the love of God, if not the love of my older siblings.
I pray, dear son, that the faults of your siblings, would guide your heart, not to seek vengeance, as is the encouragement of some; but, that it would guide you to "FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!"
The Good Fight is knocking down the strongholds of the enemy. The Good Fight is putting a rock in the head of Goliath. Don't spend so much time defending your name, as you spend defending the name of the God of Glory. He alone is Worthy of defense and honor. In that way, David was a man after God's own heart. He could have been rolling in the grass fighting his brothers at what they said to him, instead of seeing the enemy for who he was, the one speaking against the God of Glory!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Baal Worship--- or Blessed?
God's Boys will be good boys!
God, through the Holy Spirit condemns Baal worship. Sometimes, I think that we are holding onto Baal and letting go of worship. Baal is the lordship of anything other than the true and living God. We have so much stuff that lords over us. We have so much privilege, that lords over us. We have so much anxiety that lords over us. I call them the "time flies". Flies that are eating at our time and our worship and our heart's attention. I call them the things that eat at our love. We get distracted by the obvious things, that we may have discarded, for more of Him, but what of the things that our hearts still cling to.
On this day that we have been blessed with much stuff, as a gift. I pray for help to repent of my own Baal worship. Help me see You, God, through the lattice of my stuff.
God, through the Holy Spirit condemns Baal worship. Sometimes, I think that we are holding onto Baal and letting go of worship. Baal is the lordship of anything other than the true and living God. We have so much stuff that lords over us. We have so much privilege, that lords over us. We have so much anxiety that lords over us. I call them the "time flies". Flies that are eating at our time and our worship and our heart's attention. I call them the things that eat at our love. We get distracted by the obvious things, that we may have discarded, for more of Him, but what of the things that our hearts still cling to.
On this day that we have been blessed with much stuff, as a gift. I pray for help to repent of my own Baal worship. Help me see You, God, through the lattice of my stuff.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
What, My Son?
God's Boys will be good boys!
My highly regarded prince is marrying tomorrow. It may be shocking to a young man that there is a season of grieving after marriage. Perhaps, not immediately, but shortly after marriage, it hits you that you have chosen the mother of your children and the father of your children and that there is no turning back from this choice, without saddening and embarrassing consequences.
I have never seen a man that I regarded as great, who didn't learn to speak respectfully of his wife. This is certainly a learned skill. To speak well of her when refering to her in public and private.
It puts a beautiful and happy knot of admiration in my stomach, when great men speak of their wife's counsel, in this or that circumstance. It is endearing, especially for a Prince, to consider learning to speak of his wife in respectful terms in public.
That every other woman would look for that type of respect to be given her, raises the standard of culture. Men, as it were, put their finger in the dike of degradation of women, when they protect the honor of their chosen vessel. God promises great reward for such; answered prayer, not the least.
"I invite you to stand in the presence of my chosen vessel, my princess, confidant and friend, the one whom I have chosen to share my royal position and life..." Respect for the blessing of the Lord in a wife is the closest we can get, in this fallen world to contentment in our estate. If we cannot choose to be content when we have all, and abound, we are truly ungrateful. But, as with Solomon, if we choose wisdom and the fear of the Lord, God often comes near and gives a real sense of contentment and love. These things don't come by accident, they are sought from the Lord. God says to seek Him and He will be found by you, in whatsoever state.
Monday, February 14, 2011
What, my son?
God's Boys will be good boys!
What does this paper say? I am looking at an orange paper with various and sundry questions about the Bible.
I love how the mother in Proverbs 31 shows the neutrality of the questions of sons. What are you asking me, son? What is your question? Do you see this mother? Can you feel this emotion with me? I need you to help me, son, what is it?
When mother and child attempt to bear with and communicate with one another there are unspoken understandings. I wanted to say my piece before he said his.
I am often too outspoken, saying that is wrong and this is awful and that is off key and that is out of tune and that is the wrong flavor and this is the wrong way to say that and you should have washed your hands first. This time, I shut up and let him tell me the wrong thing that I should have seen.
Do you see the glory of God attacked? Do you see the minimizing of the Word of God? I do, my son. What should I do? What can I do?
God had given us a launching pad into devotions that we didn't expect. There are attacks against God's Word all around us and we must not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
God grant us all the sensitive spirit to note Your concerns for Your Word, even above all Your Name. Thank You for the season of defending and learning to live in the fear of God and in the love of one another. Amen.
What does this paper say? I am looking at an orange paper with various and sundry questions about the Bible.
I love how the mother in Proverbs 31 shows the neutrality of the questions of sons. What are you asking me, son? What is your question? Do you see this mother? Can you feel this emotion with me? I need you to help me, son, what is it?
When mother and child attempt to bear with and communicate with one another there are unspoken understandings. I wanted to say my piece before he said his.
I am often too outspoken, saying that is wrong and this is awful and that is off key and that is out of tune and that is the wrong flavor and this is the wrong way to say that and you should have washed your hands first. This time, I shut up and let him tell me the wrong thing that I should have seen.
Do you see the glory of God attacked? Do you see the minimizing of the Word of God? I do, my son. What should I do? What can I do?
God had given us a launching pad into devotions that we didn't expect. There are attacks against God's Word all around us and we must not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
God grant us all the sensitive spirit to note Your concerns for Your Word, even above all Your Name. Thank You for the season of defending and learning to live in the fear of God and in the love of one another. Amen.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
This morning, I am remembering a little fellow 3 years old, who swallowed a chicken bone.
God's Boys will be good boys!
We were at Grandma Camille's house, for a holiday cookout. Those days are much a blur, because of the Grandmas and grandpas who were in and out of hospitals and such. We had little time to concern ourselves with things, except making appearances, between ministries and work and homeschooling and ailing parents. This had been one of those days, very tiring. Having to visit family here and there and everywhere. We stopped at 120th. There was fried chicken and we were socializing as usual. Mom {my mom} said let's take a picture with Gramps{her father}. When I looked down, you{En} were attached to my leg and crying. I don't want to take a picture, my throat hurts. Oh my, now my mind thought that you were being sassy. Tears came to your eyes. Mommy, my throat hurts. I said honey we are going home now, let us take the picture and go home. No mommy my throat hurts. I looked in and saw nothing at the moment. We took the picture and got into the car. The whole drive you were complaining, among the other wimpers of the children about this or that controversy with cousins and such.
You were so persistent, that when we got into the house your dad took out a flash light so that we could see more clearly what was going on in your throat. Horror hit my insides, when I saw a chicken bone sticking in the back of your throat. Way too far for us to reach and it was lodged in there. I am glad to know what it is you said. I thought that was a very strange response to what was terrifying me and filling me with a constant thread of maternal guilt. Why didn't I get a flashlight at my mom's? and questions like these swirled in my mind as we got the coats back on and flew to the hospital. You weren't crying now, you had gotten used to the sense of that horrible thing. I was. Everytime I see that picture of you and me and my mom and Gramps, I remember the misdiagnosis of a hurried mother. I do love my son and I am caught, sometimes between responsibilities and can't diagnose the severity of the complaint, as I ought.
We got your throat xrayed and the doctor numbed your throat and pulled that horrid thing out, to our relief.
Remembering the mis-hits and the blunders of waisted time and missed opportunities are par for the course in middle passage days. I hope that you know that we love you and that our communications to you, in your young manhood is frought with the desire to see you live your life for God's glory. Learning how to take the challenge and communicate the intensity of the situation earnestly is the learning that we have to take from that remembrance.
You are cut from my apron strings, these days and you would no more eat a boney piece of chicken than anything else you don't like and now, maybe you understand a little of why you have this sense of concern at eating this or that thing.
We were at Grandma Camille's house, for a holiday cookout. Those days are much a blur, because of the Grandmas and grandpas who were in and out of hospitals and such. We had little time to concern ourselves with things, except making appearances, between ministries and work and homeschooling and ailing parents. This had been one of those days, very tiring. Having to visit family here and there and everywhere. We stopped at 120th. There was fried chicken and we were socializing as usual. Mom {my mom} said let's take a picture with Gramps{her father}. When I looked down, you{En} were attached to my leg and crying. I don't want to take a picture, my throat hurts. Oh my, now my mind thought that you were being sassy. Tears came to your eyes. Mommy, my throat hurts. I said honey we are going home now, let us take the picture and go home. No mommy my throat hurts. I looked in and saw nothing at the moment. We took the picture and got into the car. The whole drive you were complaining, among the other wimpers of the children about this or that controversy with cousins and such.
You were so persistent, that when we got into the house your dad took out a flash light so that we could see more clearly what was going on in your throat. Horror hit my insides, when I saw a chicken bone sticking in the back of your throat. Way too far for us to reach and it was lodged in there. I am glad to know what it is you said. I thought that was a very strange response to what was terrifying me and filling me with a constant thread of maternal guilt. Why didn't I get a flashlight at my mom's? and questions like these swirled in my mind as we got the coats back on and flew to the hospital. You weren't crying now, you had gotten used to the sense of that horrible thing. I was. Everytime I see that picture of you and me and my mom and Gramps, I remember the misdiagnosis of a hurried mother. I do love my son and I am caught, sometimes between responsibilities and can't diagnose the severity of the complaint, as I ought.
We got your throat xrayed and the doctor numbed your throat and pulled that horrid thing out, to our relief.
Remembering the mis-hits and the blunders of waisted time and missed opportunities are par for the course in middle passage days. I hope that you know that we love you and that our communications to you, in your young manhood is frought with the desire to see you live your life for God's glory. Learning how to take the challenge and communicate the intensity of the situation earnestly is the learning that we have to take from that remembrance.
You are cut from my apron strings, these days and you would no more eat a boney piece of chicken than anything else you don't like and now, maybe you understand a little of why you have this sense of concern at eating this or that thing.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
What may be happening when Heaven is silent...
God's Boys will be good boys!
Praise to God and adoration, when I watched Cece's show on the TBN. What an encouragement to those who have been afflicted and who intend to serve and worship God inspite and bring the sacrifice of praise.
The Word of God from Donnie was certainly for me in this New Year. Although all hell breaks loose and attempt to tear your soul in some circumstances. He acted out how the devil can knock you to your knees. What a powerful position that is. He showed that the angels have to even move out of the way from helping you in your praise, when God is "fittin'" to inhabit the praises of His people. God is going to take over your conflict and the silence is the angels moving out of His way. What a beautiful picture of the love of God, in grief and pain. I can relate to that picture. Lord, I don't like my circumstances and I am not asking you for it, as some people discuss in a certain way that I find highly abrasive to the ailing and longterm ill person. I know the messengers of grief and pain are sweet, as the song says, but, I am not mature enough to embrace that truth with my heart yet. I could see what Donnie was saying, though. God coming to crush the messengers of grief and pain, in my praise. I can relate to that. I want it off me. I want that deliverance of these pains and ills. Soon I will be done with all the troubles of the world. Living has its share of griefs, I know. But, I was blessed in my soul to imagine from God's Word. I can think of 10 examples in Scripture where God did exactly that{Old and New Testament}. Daniel was my favorite one, but Donnie showed that God couldn't inhabit the praises of the OT saints as He can now, because of Redemption. Halleluia, what a Savior. Working together for my good, means that my brokenness is not from a capricious and heartless source who stand aloof from my plague. {It sounds like that to me, when some people talk about God, who are not akin to strife and conflict and physical or mental struggle} That may be my infirmity, but God packed the praises of His people on that TBN show with a message that was healing and health to my bones. I am grateful for people who know and love Him and are willing to give the Word to His people.
Praise to God and adoration, when I watched Cece's show on the TBN. What an encouragement to those who have been afflicted and who intend to serve and worship God inspite and bring the sacrifice of praise.
The Word of God from Donnie was certainly for me in this New Year. Although all hell breaks loose and attempt to tear your soul in some circumstances. He acted out how the devil can knock you to your knees. What a powerful position that is. He showed that the angels have to even move out of the way from helping you in your praise, when God is "fittin'" to inhabit the praises of His people. God is going to take over your conflict and the silence is the angels moving out of His way. What a beautiful picture of the love of God, in grief and pain. I can relate to that picture. Lord, I don't like my circumstances and I am not asking you for it, as some people discuss in a certain way that I find highly abrasive to the ailing and longterm ill person. I know the messengers of grief and pain are sweet, as the song says, but, I am not mature enough to embrace that truth with my heart yet. I could see what Donnie was saying, though. God coming to crush the messengers of grief and pain, in my praise. I can relate to that. I want it off me. I want that deliverance of these pains and ills. Soon I will be done with all the troubles of the world. Living has its share of griefs, I know. But, I was blessed in my soul to imagine from God's Word. I can think of 10 examples in Scripture where God did exactly that{Old and New Testament}. Daniel was my favorite one, but Donnie showed that God couldn't inhabit the praises of the OT saints as He can now, because of Redemption. Halleluia, what a Savior. Working together for my good, means that my brokenness is not from a capricious and heartless source who stand aloof from my plague. {It sounds like that to me, when some people talk about God, who are not akin to strife and conflict and physical or mental struggle} That may be my infirmity, but God packed the praises of His people on that TBN show with a message that was healing and health to my bones. I am grateful for people who know and love Him and are willing to give the Word to His people.
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