Saturday, January 1, 2011

What may be happening when Heaven is silent...

God's Boys will be good boys!

Praise to God and adoration, when I watched Cece's show on the TBN. What an encouragement to those who have been afflicted and who intend to serve and worship God inspite and bring the sacrifice of praise.
The Word of God from Donnie was certainly for me in this New Year. Although all hell breaks loose and attempt to tear your soul in some circumstances. He acted out how the devil can knock you to your knees. What a powerful position that is. He showed that the angels have to even move out of the way from helping you in your praise, when God is "fittin'" to inhabit the praises of His people. God is going to take over your conflict and the silence is the angels moving out of His way. What a beautiful picture of the love of God, in grief and pain. I can relate to that picture. Lord, I don't like my circumstances and I am not asking you for it, as some people discuss in a certain way that I find highly abrasive to the ailing and longterm ill person. I know the messengers of grief and pain are sweet, as the song says, but, I am not mature enough to embrace that truth with my heart yet. I could see what Donnie was saying, though. God coming to crush the messengers of grief and pain, in my praise. I can relate to that. I want it off me. I want that deliverance of these pains and ills. Soon I will be done with all the troubles of the world. Living has its share of griefs, I know. But, I was blessed in my soul to imagine from God's Word. I can think of 10 examples in Scripture where God did exactly that{Old and New Testament}. Daniel was my favorite one, but Donnie showed that God couldn't inhabit the praises of the OT saints as He can now, because of Redemption. Halleluia, what a Savior. Working together for my good, means that my brokenness is not from a capricious and heartless source who stand aloof from my plague. {It sounds like that to me, when some people talk about God, who are not akin to strife and conflict and physical or mental struggle} That may be my infirmity, but God packed the praises of His people on that TBN show with a message that was healing and health to my bones. I am grateful for people who know and love Him and are willing to give the Word to His people.

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