Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Everybody was there in the room with us, in counselling

God's Boys will be good boys!

I learned so much about my boy, this week's session.  I have been a mother for over 25 years, but this week, it feels that I learned the most.  I felt like Ma and Gramps were with me in the room, observing the behavior of my son, in counselling.  We see improvement.  But the key word for me, was "shut up!".

Gramps said, do you see why I reproved you so sharply that day.  There, as plain as day was the same situation with Jo, magnified by 100.  I realized that my eldest boy is my 4th child.  He talked like Jo and moved like Tone.  I bit my lip and watched this unique combination.   Gramps and I had dealt with this personality conflict of mine.  The one and only time that he yelled at me.  I like directness.  I like clarity and all of this talk around and around was not a smoke screen, as I had earlier thought, but and uncovering.  4th children have to cover themselves with communication for the older people in their lives.  Ma pinched me on the lip and Gramps held me up, as we learned the lesson together of communication and love.  Let Him Talk!  I have probably stifled this delicate personality, with my abrasivity.   He would do better with a combination of Aunt Gloria {light} and Grandpa {carefree}.  I am sure that I will have a hard time lightening my grip.

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