Friday, July 20, 2012

Being a man means representing God's strength in crisis

God's Boys will be good boys! It was a beautiful picture of God's strength to see the officers and officials representing order, amidst the chaos of tragic events. Womanhood has its place. There is comfort and strength in womanhood. The stalwart nature that God has invested to men is a trust. The line has been blurred, but the representation is still the same. The eyes pan the landscape for a representation of stability. The men that are around represent that, for God. God has deposited a little of Himself in the strength, large or small. Their eyes and their standing in times when the rest of us are collapsing. Tears may fall, or they may have the measure of strength to keep their tears when the world seems to be falling. God can use that. There is a place for the empathetic tear to fall and there is a place for the strength of place that calls everyone to order. Like my coach, Mr. T. whose pointer finger is indellibly in my minds eye when there is a task beyond to attend to. I can't, I said so many times. My knees are knocking together and I don't know how to keep it together amidst this. The whistle has blown and you will do what you have practiced. Sure enough, his strength was enough to stand on, when the whistle blew. Men are that for so many around that they do not know. I pray that God will strengthen you to be that for others as well.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Do the butterflies sense breaks? What, My Son?

God's Boys will be good boys! Yesterday, it was a moth that was banging its head on the window of our counseling meeting. When Elyse broke her arm, it was a butterfly banging on the window at Aunt Jackie's house. She seemed to want to tell me about the break of my child's arm. Jackie, I said, why would that butterfly want to come in the house so fiercely. She didn't humor my craze, then or now. Yesterday, it was a moth. What is broken, my son? Is it heart or head? I can hear my dear departed Dr. asking pain or pressure? It is amazing how in touch creation is to the people that are around them. I want to help in the healing of the break, but I am broken myself. When I was most sensorious of my brokenness a butterfly came and sat on my shirt while I was walking. I wonder if they smell it, like a flower? Are we more humble? Are we groaning inside and calling them?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Healthy Foods, Healthy mind

God's Boys will be good boys!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God is in Control?

God's Boys will be good boys!

When we are discouraged, disappointed, "disaffected" with life and providence, that is when our faith shines in the distance.  Who made you?  The catechism asks us.  Our reasoning, after many years of pondering this says, Yes,  God made me.  I didn't make myself.  The things that are out of my control,  ie. My mind,  my heart, my situation, my discouragements, etc. are not outside of my God's control.  "He is just and the justifier of those who come to God, in Christ Jesus." 
I am not at home yet.  I am not in His Holy presence, where all things will be put right.
He gives us His Word, His Worship,  His People as a kind of Mother's kiss on our cuts and scrapes and pains.  He takes our brokenness,  our broken hearts and bodies in His Holy Hands and cleanse them, using the means of grace and He stoops to kiss.  With a reminder that the distance between us is bridged, by His Holy Church and His Truth, until we see Him face to face.