Wednesday, July 24, 2013

{For Enoch, one day when you're a father, at the birth of the new prince}Even the best of fathers will feel the enormity of the task at times.

God's Boys will be good boys! My poor dad had no dad of his own around to show him the ropes and yet providence, etc. had placed 7 souls on his doorstep for fathering. I imagine Elizabeth Taylor in Father's Little Dividend, only the opposite for fathers. There was no movie about Buckley. He, like your dad had examples of different fathering styles to choose from. I can't tell which is worse. The primitive birth of the 50's and later where the style was live in closeknit parenting. Maybe that is great. Like she{Elizabeth Taylor} spoke about keeping the baby close at all times, is a temptation for fathers whose fathers were somewhat in absentia. We all hate something about our fathers and mothers and sware off ever being like that. Only to find them in the mirror in a few years. Looking above them, I think best. Acknowledging the pain of your own experience and attempting, gratitude and effort to do differently. Seeking first the kingdom of God, means reading scripture and praying with them, but it also means pouring yourself into that life. What a more difficult part of the job description! Thank God that He doesn't leave us to our own devices. Love and forgiveness can forge a path to healthy, though never perfect fathering, for even the broken. God can make a monument out of a molehill.

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