Thursday, December 31, 2015

Are there no more "Whats?" my son?

God's Boys will be good boys!
What, my son? What, son of my womb? What, son of my vows?
Fewer questions and more determinations. 20's are a season of, "I'm not going to do it that way." It looks like to me. How do you stay respectful to your parents when your mind is taking their deeds apart and weighing them as to their validity in your life, long-term. It is hard! I love you mom, but what you are saying is not valid to this point...Sometimes that is the case.
Sometimes mom is talking to her little fellow, on the knee and you are a man. Sometimes mom is just gabbing to her rambunctious jumping bean and you are a settled man. I didn't ask you that, mother? I know you didn't. Just humor my answering the questions that are unasked, son. It is a habit and I love you and sometimes it is just mother talk. Keep weighing our validity and make your determinations and become a better man for it.
Happy New Year!
t was just yesterday that we were embracing our little cherubs and rejoicing at the gift of life.

Proverbs 31 writer seems to remind us that we so often are answering the questions that they are asking that we don't tell them what they need to know. What? What? What else? You are always chatting about something that I want to hear about, because I love you and learning how you think. Now, when I am gone you will read and see how I think and what I think is important for you to know.
What else, my son?

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Merry Christmas Eldest Son.

God's Boys will be good boys!

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Joy of the Lord, {thoughts from "Inside Out"}

God's Boys will be good boys!

I never would've watched the movie, for the girl's talking about how sad it made them. It didn't make me sad. I know we went through bad stuff with moving and whatnot. That is the reality of our situation. That movie looked like a movie about children and adult's growing up and finding the "Joy of Living!"amidst the situations of life. There were so many truths in the midst of that good family friendly movie. I loved it.

Some loves and friends and memories are living long in the long-term and all memories have mixed emotions the further you get away from them. Maturity to adulthood has collapses of real and happy memories for new ones of every hue. It is scary when the old good memories start fading and the old bad memories fade also. It is maturity that carries us over the line.

The most important lesson that I got from that movie, is to make sure the "Joy of the Lord" is a very strong factor in your child rearing. Put that as a priority and it will strengthen the personality and emotions of your young people. Collapses will happen to everyone, but God has undergird the soul with His strength when He is prioritized. Try to remember that!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thank you Enoch for all you do!---Still, I love ya, love ya, Honey!

God's Boys will be good boys!

You are a calming influence in our family, most times. You are the one who shakes us out of our "fatal ease", to contemplate the eternal value of what we do and say. You are the very observant and very circumspect person, who throws his actions through the sieve of biblical authority, before acting, most times. I am grateful for your kindness in our family. I am grateful for your sympathy for the downtrodden and for your shaking the apathetic into action. I am intensely watching and learning to follow your example in my life.

I pray that God would give you long perseverance in your spheres of usefulness, that your guidance would carry us to also learn to be considerate of the other people in the house and not just ourselves. Thank God for you. Love and smoochiepoos, Mommy.

Friday, November 6, 2015

As We "refrain from Embracing"...and other thoughts on growing up "Walker"

God's Boys will be good boys!
To Everything there is a season...
The time to every purpose of this time is the time to refrain from embracing.

I believe that, if there is one thing that marks my remembrance of my Enoch and the comfort that he is, it is embracing. We held onto one another as though there were not going to be a time to refrain from embracing. "Love ya, Love ya honey"? What a dear boy you have been to know that your mother was in constant grief and so often allay her fears. When you fell, or tried something new, you would say, I am alright mother. You knew that it would hurt me more than you for you to be hurt and so you comforted me, almost before you could walk. I am right here mother, when I would call out, as though the unthinkable has happened. You knew that my mind always went to the worst fear.

This morning, no kiss and no hug, your manly self came in and got ready for your morning drive and I had to wait. I had so many warnings and corrections to say, but I held my tongue. He is grown now. Let the morning happen for him. Let him ask for your opinion, was the message to my soul. I just prayed and brewed in my spirit the longings for you to grow in grace and knowledge and ability. I would never have time to tell you all. I just try to enjoy this season of
"refraining from embracing".

Monday, September 14, 2015

What, my son. And What son of my vows, and what son of my womb?

God's Boys will be good boys! Skin is usually easily healed with a kiss and a bandaid and a little time. Sometimes sutures are needed, but hearts are often a lifetime in healing. You may break a bone here and there. But deal carefully with your heart and the hearts of others. People love you and want to follow you. Be careful with this new friending process. Hearts are delicate, handle with prayer.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Last Wednesday was a great time hearing from the man of God, my son.

God's Boys will be good boys!

MY son Enoch was asked to speak at the youth service at Central. I was so pleased and wanted so much to be there, but I wasn't sure if my presence would detract from the Word.

God made a way for me to be there and I sat in the corner and received the Word, as though it was anyone else. God is not stuck and needy, He is no respecter of persons and that means that He can use the young as well as the old. He can use the very bold and confident and He can use the very humble and quiet person. I believe that. I received much from that Word, I am trying to put into practice the mortification of my sins, when I am aware of them. I am desirous to know more of God in the putting away of my sins on a regular basis. I am grateful that God used my son in our church to speak of the beauty of knowing that God can assist us to get closer to Him, everyday.

May God bless your ministry and your Christian walk, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dear Georgie...

God's Boys will be good boys! It is my opinion that there is no greater promotion in life than that of becoming a big sister or brother! I was 18 months when it happened to me and there is no greater thrill than to embrace my baby sister and know that kind of love. Learning that this relationship is a gift from God and from your parents is a wonderful inspiration to growth and wisdom.

I remember loving her face and loving that she was "my baby sister". That is a real and a tangible promotion of life. Your sister is watching you, came to my mind, everyday. Your sister is going to follow you, if you do this or that. It is not just you who are doing that naughty thing, you are leading somebody else into that folly. I led her into much folly, in our infancy and smaller days. We became the best of friends and the best of companions. I would hope and pray to God that baby "princess" and Georgie would know the love that Ju and I have had, in this life. To hug at Senior Day and have one of the greatest sorrows to be that this bond of traveling together and schooling together would have to end there. I wish that for Georgie. I wish he could have every one of my siblings relationships, but most of all the one that I have with Ju, for sure!. God bless that budding family with love and unity, in Jesus' Name.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day signifies the importance of Christian Education to me "3.141592"

God's Boys will be good boys!

God created pi and he also allowed us to have "State Schools" I thank God for the many teachers who have blessed us, but I regret not being able to give you a real Christian Education. That is my priority and I hope that it will be your priority, in life also. Many people have died to give their children what they didn't have. I want you to prioritize the rocking of the cradle for Jesus.

Jesus first gives those children a mother who will impress them of the reality of Heaven through her love and the reality of Hell through her spankings. God intended this, for the ordinary passing along of the faith to the future.

This is my Father's world, And to my list'ning ears, All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres. This is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father's world, The birds their carols raise; The morning light, the lily white Declare their Maker's praise. This is my Father's world, He shines in all that's fair; In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me ev'rywhere.

This is my Father's world, O let me ne'er forget That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet. This is my Father's world, The battle is not done; Jesus who died shall be satisfied, And earth and heav'n be one.
It is my prayer that this 100 year celebration would mark a turning point in the perspective of Christian Education for the young people like yourself who had to endure the godless system that we gave you. I love you and I pray for your strength to make it happen.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Observations of your dad's curious differences are beautiful, when looked at in the light of history.

God's Boys will be good boys!

I especially love how Clarence Day Jr. described the wiggling of his father's toes when he was talking.

this is a link to "Father Sews on a Button"

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

For the love of Starlings, MOM.

God's Boys will be good boys!