Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thank you Enoch for all you do!---Still, I love ya, love ya, Honey!

God's Boys will be good boys!

You are a calming influence in our family, most times. You are the one who shakes us out of our "fatal ease", to contemplate the eternal value of what we do and say. You are the very observant and very circumspect person, who throws his actions through the sieve of biblical authority, before acting, most times. I am grateful for your kindness in our family. I am grateful for your sympathy for the downtrodden and for your shaking the apathetic into action. I am intensely watching and learning to follow your example in my life.

I pray that God would give you long perseverance in your spheres of usefulness, that your guidance would carry us to also learn to be considerate of the other people in the house and not just ourselves. Thank God for you. Love and smoochiepoos, Mommy.

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