God's Boys will be good boys!
In the War of Words and the Tongue our Measure and the Battle of “Railing Accusations”, I, nor the angels know exactly what it was that the Devil did that stole the Glory from God. We all look into this fierce heated furnace of taking the glory from God and try to avoid it.
We do well to simply say to the devil, “The Lord rebuke you!” He is a liar and the father of such. It seems that it is the pursuit of the angels to clean up the languages of the nations to shine forth the Glory of God, in the inner man. Wimbledon, this year seemed to represent that to me.
The glory of power, represented by the Williams’ sisters versus the glory of youth, represented by Garbine. I said, to myself it is astounding that she is Spanish. I always see Cervantes’ perceptions, when the Spanish are spotlighted. He seems still striving on their behalf.
A few years ago, I saw her touting her abilities and I said to myself, “What an impudent child, to think that she can beat the “Power”.” She said it and she proved her abilities in subsequent battles with them. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is a symbol of something godly. A humble demeanor and a fierce game was her uprising.
To use a movie reference, Is it audacious to think that a woman can swim the English Channel? Is it silly to think a twelve year old can win the Grand National with a horse of hers? {Natonal Velvet} It may be, but God is showing forth a greater battle of the rising to God on the humbling of our most mischievous part of our bodies, our tongues.
The match was held in secret, so I wasn’t privy to the details of the intricacies of the hammering of that truth. The outcome was obvious to me and to everyone. DeNada is more humble than “You’re Welcome”. It is really nothing, whatsoever we do that can be exalted in our own estimations or anothers.
Thank you, Thank you and again I thank you, said Ferrer. You are welcome, you are welcome said Mawi in response. Thank you is always welcome, but De Nada is more acceptable than You are welcome to it. Sometimes you’re welcome hides a bitter spirit of hoarding, etc.
At Trafalgar…Spain actually won in this battle~~~~go figure?