Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is midnight?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Midnight is full launch, my boy. You are not there yet, but soon. The day will come when you have full responsibility over your own conscience. The day when mom and dad won't see and won't know what you are doing. Teach us, we pray to the Lord, to number our days. But then, we grow up and we don't have mom and dad and the other preservatives in our lives.
Is the something lurking going to attack you and take you into the grasp of the hounds of Hell? That is the question that Professor Jackson places before us in the Thriller. Will you face them clothed in the righteousness of another, or will you try to face them in your own strength? Read, as it were, the esteemed professors dissertation on accountability. We dance to the beat and have no sense that we are embibing the dissertation. Some evil and some to good use. This one, is fraught with wisdom and guidance about our considerations in the time of trouble and temptation. There is a real devil and much of the temptation comes from within our own hearts. He has no solution dilineated, but the problem has been mapped out exquisitely.
God gives us many days of accountability, on earth to prepare us for That Day.
You and I are no match for the hounds of Hell. Ask yourself? Am I any match for this? No. Seek the Lord.

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