Monday, November 9, 2009

...Serpentine fire

God's Boys will be good boys!

The difference between the serpent children and the mother children. Serpents have no alliances. They do not travel in families. They concern themselves with the spoil for the consumption of their own bodies. The children of the women have an alliance and a cause that is bigger than self. First they learn to concern themselves about mother and what mother has taught them, next they have family loyalties, then church and community loyalties and then world concerns. They are part of a team and what hurts the whole, in some way, they are concerned about. When they pray, there are priorities and order to their concerns. God is weaving the new heaven and the new earth with the children of the women whose God is the Lord. When they are in their place there is consistency and when they are absent there are holes. God has woven the holes into the pattern of the scheme of things, but what we leave to our children is the mass of discernable patterns of God's dealings or the tangled web of undescernable lines to be combed out. Do we give them the equipment to untangle what we have tangled? Do we give them the comb to untangle what we have left untended?
As those beautiful spirograph patterns, the couple is the two circles in the hands of the angels making family patterns which grow into community patterns which grow into country patterns which grow into world patterns. Each blessed interaction of the couple either condenses the pattern or loosens its grip. We can stop the pattern at any point refusing to dance together in the spirograph pattern, but we have to start again somewhere and we will get to that point in the pattern somewhere else along the struggle, if we live. These are the consistent echoes of God's mercy. Obeying God, when he said, be fruitful, multiply. Nobody reminds us that God said that. Don't be fruitful, don't multiply, it only gives us more mouths to feed, says the serpent. Obeying our first father Adam, Mother life, he commanded his wife. Don't mother life, says the world and the flesh and the devil. It will take all of your mind and your body and your strength. The serpent sits under the birthing table seeking to eat your best conceptions. We are birthing that protective spirit and we run as far from that serpent as we can. God gives us spiritual eyes to see him at each birth, it is more and more clear until it is nearly a consuming passion to protect your children from that serpent and they have to put you in the crazy house because you are too consumed with this. Still, to some extent it is God given. Mothering life and protecting your children from death, until God shows us the purposes for which we are here upon the earth. Building a team for God. A bunch of new spirograph patterns for the angels to adorn the sky with, for the glory of God.

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