Sunday, December 11, 2016

What is Education for?~~~figuring out and looking for direction, for your life's journey. "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed"

God's Boys will be good boys!
Attempting to recoup all your scruples as they roll upon the floor.
One day you wake up and find that all that you believed about yourself with God has been strewn across the floor of your life. There is a thought that comes to your mind to leave them there and not pick them up. Let's see what happens if I don't pick them back up? I know that God is supposed to love me anyhow? What's the worst that could happen? As we negotiate with our consciences the world is kicking and eating our scruples and every minute that passes defiles them worse and worse, until they are no longer identifiable.
Sometimes, we have to recoup by starting over. Sometimes, we have to start swiftly picking up pieces and cleaning them off. Each time this happens in life, it is different. We always lose a little something when we have fallen and stumbled and dropped everything. Only in Heaven will we see the things that God reglues to our lives to replace the real thing that we dropped, in our sinful stupors. I cannot imagine that we won't be crying about our stumblings. He promises to wipe every tear from our eyes, regardless. Coming to Jesus with the broken pieces is better than trying to glue the things back, ourselves.

Some people never recoup their faith until their very dying day. What a loss, to walk on the earth with your hand outside of God's hand! Learn to walk with Him, even through the complex and painful surgery of reconciliation to Christ in our deepest conscience. He loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Know that this picking up is also part of His wonderful plan for your life!

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