Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dancing to the beat of a different Drummer...

I finally saw the "Thriller" video. The original, by Michael Jackson and the new one by Adam Savani. What an amazing genius was that Michael Jackson to put those thoughts and words and dance steps and costumes together. I must be the very last person in the world to have seen it. He won numerous awards. My sister imitated it in her High School musical contest and I ran to try to see it and missed it then and I never did see it.
The Scriptures say that he who sows to the flesh shall reap of the flesh corruption. Michael (on purpose, or by accident) re-enacted this spiritual truth perfectly.
Here he is, with the girl that he loves and asking her to be his girl and he is turning into the picture of corruption, from a hug. We can't seem to help it. We intend to do good to this person, for the rest of our lives and our passions get the best of us and we destroy every intention that we have had toward this relationship and toward this person. Death and destruction ensues..."The Funk of the AGES"...
"How can a YOUNG MAN keep himself pure?" says the Psalmist in Psalm 119;9 That is the question in THRILLER. How do I not mess this up? How can I keep this relationship for the rest of my life when every wicked impulse within me is urging me to mess it up? The Psalmist doesn't leave us at the question. Michael doesn't answer the question.
Do we want to reap corruption of the flesh, or do we want to consume one another in our relationship? NO! What does the Psalmist mean-By taking heed according to your Word. How can a Word keep me from festering up all of the FUNK of a thousand generations and all of the disability of fathers and forefather and mothers before me? That is the question we raise. I love how he (Michael) had pieces of their bodies' fall off and gunk coming out of their mouths and festering sores on their faces and bodies as they danced to the beat of generation after generation before. This is LOVE? I asked you to be my girl and I get this? and you get this? Where do we go to find help and peace and the solace that God intended in our households?

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