Friday, November 21, 2008

I met some boys who seemed to feel alone in the

world. I cannot even imagine the sadness of not knowing the man who is leading your mother. There were some boys I met who expressed that sentiment to me. The sense of violation and challenge, as though one must defend the honor of his mother and his home, were very strong in the room. How can a man find peace in his heart, when he is distressed with such cares? I asked God in prayer and in my scripture searching. I thought of King David, who endured the violation of forgottenness and minimization in a large family and he reminded me in the Psalms, "When my father and my MOTHER forsake me...then, the Lord will take me up." It was as though God himself takes the hand of such a young one; the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the brokenhearted and carries those weakened states of heart in his own bosom, like the shepherd. David said to God, in a sense, if I died, it would be to my parents' as though one of these sheep had died, that's how much they care about me. God let him know, that might be the case...but I am the Shepherd of the sheep and I care and would never eat you. God is good. He knows our frame and we can find peace in our saddest condition, because of the care and concern of our creator and more than this, in Christ we have a heavenly advocate--lawyer, to plead our case to the heavenly Judge of the universe.

from an email sent Nov 2007?
favorite recent quote, share w/ Enoch

My Favorite recent quote:

In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope? John Kerry calls on us to hope. John Edwards calls on us to hope. I'm not talking about blind optimism here -- the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't talk about it, or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it. No, I'm talking about something more substantial. It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta; the hope of a millworker's son who dares to defy the odds; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too. The audacity of hope![7]

The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama

This was a brilliant canvassing of American examples of struggle against odds. We rarely find people that are willing to put aside their own peevish sense of paternal loyalty to acknowledge the universal and important lessons from the human struggle on varied levels and vicissitudes. In my opinion he could have delved deeper into the reality of struggle and overcoming but in a synopsis, this was superb.

Rudy is still my favorite! He is a lover and a fighter and he helps me understand why there is a long way to go for this human race in terms of what is leadership. The passion to lead and the passion to win and the passion to unify is necessary for the growth of the nation. I am afraid that this sublime and waiting on the world to change generation will deteriorate into a live and let live world of everyone defending his own feudal rights and exempt us all from the responsibility of change. That is what is dangerous in Hope being the campaign slogan. Hope is a passive word. Hope is a let it happen word. Fight and make it happen. Fight and unify and grow us up is what we need. Nothing happens sitting and hoping. Letting the powers that be continue on their merry way is the way the bullies maintain their lots. Lot was one who gave in a capitulated to the perverse and ultimately it ate him and his family up, even though they were spared the ultimate judgment. Abraham was prevailing in prayer and he was active in moving and forbearing with youngers ( he allowed Lot the first choice of preference in where to set up camp. Meaning that Abraham had respect for his inferiors as well as superiors. I am reminding myself today to give due respect to my children in descending or ascending order based on age and to give them times of equality and even preference in areas where they are far more excellent than I am. This is difficult and humbling. To actually attribute to them the respect due to their character and maintain authority as a parent. Listen to the transparency message by Chanski to remind yourself of the right of passage to your 21 year old and to stop stifling her spirit. Holy Spirit help me to treat my children with due respect!

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