Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Letting God cleanse the deepest stains. Dealing with LURKING LONGINGS

God's Boys will be good boys!

Jesus is a friend for sinners. He was such a friend of sinners that the holy people of His day were embarrassed at the company that He kept. I am grateful for that because that means He can be friends with me. There is nothing of my sin that I can't bring to Him and He has healing and forgiveness and help and strength and cleansing for the deepest stains. Jesus loves us when no one else can and He can handle the mess in our lives that, even our momma may turn away from. He is the only one that we can trust with that.
There is one good thing about being disappointed by parents at an early age, is that we learn that God is greater and we can only trust Him with the messes in our lives. He promises to be and always shows up as a Father to the fatherless and a Friend to the friendless. Take the lurking longings to Him.

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