Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Little Consideration for your mother's poor nerves, please.

God's Boys will be good boys!
1 Peter 2:
11.Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

I really do not know how you boys do it? You have to plan and consider and make decisions about things, long before they happen. God has made you to be the initiator and yet your initiation has to be with purity.
I saw, in the Thriller video, something about men that I had never seen before. That even with the best laid plans, when things happen, things happen. It seemed that Michael was saying, he asked this girl on a date to ask her to be his girl and they ran out of gas and they were walking home and every demon in hell came out of his soul and he couldn't control what had happened.
Isn't that just the way things happen. We pray and we plan and then, we run out of gas and that is just it.
What a treatise on mortification of sin, if you wish to mortify your sin, by the power of God, through Christ. We are saved by grace and trying to abstain from the fleshly lusts and stuff happens. God can keep us, but we have to know that there is a demon worse than the power of hell resident with us that would mess up our lives, if let to.
How on earth, can we abstain from earthly lusts with TV and internet and books and other stuff available and not be passive and "let things happen" people? God has remedies for revival and preservation in the Word and they are prayed down and acted upon.
One of my Pastors said, very accurately, that even with the Holy Spirit, some of these things only work with them in your back pocket as you are running for your life. That is the situation that Michael was playing out in the Thriller Video. You really don't know yourself until you see yourself in one of the demons as possible making shipwreck of your faith.
Acting in the positive direction does much to help us avoid the negative stuff.
God, please help us to be decisive and proactive in relationships and still be Obstinately abstinate.

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