Sunday, December 27, 2009

God Moves in a Mysterious Way!

God's Boys will be good boys!

...Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain

I told you the wrong words for the blind unbelief verse of the hymn. We have lost much in not studying this one. We are groping for the purposes in the providences sent to us. Why am I...? whatever the question it is the blindness of the not knowing why a providence that has come upon us has come that troubles us. We cannot search out God, no matter how we try. Living before God with a clear and cleansed conscience is all we can hope to do. Growing in grace to do our duty before God and to imitate Him.
Let us try to practice being open eyed to the good purposes of God in our lives. The easy things and the hard things. God has purposes of making us like Him. He has purposes of making us get along with others. He disciplines us to grow us up. Love is always His purpose in what He allows and purposes.
The more we learn of Him, the more we should be able to see that.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


God's Boys will be good boys!

Your creator in the days of your youth. There is nothing else that I say that can give you any better direction than that. The more I live, the more those words seem to loom over my head. It seems like, as with a race, life has stops and starts and is that marathon. There seem to be imps whose job is to wreck your life. They stand at strategic points in life and cast weights upon your neck. I have found it to be so at the decade intervals of my life. The best that I can say to avoid them is to run as hard as you can in the earliest parts of your life and work as hard as you can for Jesus at the early days and remember that God will hold you in account for what you have done. It is difficult to find the comforts of life as you age. 30 was the first time that I really felt the weights of remaining sin keep me from running for Jesus, in liberty. At earlier times a thought or a mistake, you confess and forsake and you go to the next thing, it seemed. In older times, the lingering and the hanging out of a thought or the quickness to catch the least little spiritual infirmity was all the more rampant. It seemed that there were more boggs and more messy confessions at the later time. Like Samson, you are surprised at yourself and shake yourself as at the earlier times and there is a greater sense of loss at the loss of fellowship with God. Wear your spiritual galloshes. I would highly recommend William Gurnall and Henry Scudder at the latter teen days for the preparation for the long haul. Do not wait until you go through the hard trials to read it, like I did. It is hard and difficult medicine for the ailing soul and could seem to stamp out the smoking flax, if read in the low wick times. Read it in your youth, please.The Christian's Daily Walk

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Charrette, My Boy?

God's Boys will be good boys!

God's mercy bails you out, time and time again. But, a little forethought, may help you to budget your time and not have to spend the entire night to get the job done. I am pleased that you are independent enough to carry on in the light of your grades and your own interests. Language Arts is not yet your forte'. Keep trying. Keep studying and keep at it. You have the heart of the matter in you and God is a merciful God to give you facility, even where there is a struggle.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I missed you!

God's Boys will be good boys!

We walked into the pool area together. You with your knapsack and I with my father's swagger. My dad used to walk with me into an event. The event was usually a competition and he always had that sic'em look on his face. He meant it! He truly meant for me to beat the pants off of these people. You haven't seen my daughter play, he would boast in his humble way. No, no, she hasn't played in months. I don't think she will make it through the first round of this one. He would unboast to Brother, Mr. Rooney or whoever. Taking the pressure off of me. Still, his eyes said sic'em.
This time, I was the mother and my boy at my side and no reason to say sic'em. My eyes cannot help but reflect the purposeful glare that my father placed into them. Sic'em, he said at every event. Why would you enter if you don't intend to beat the socks off of these people. You know you could. Maybe. Maybe.
I was shrunk by his glares often. I was directed by his glares often. I was motivated by his glares and now I can't get rid of them. Even though I run from the conflicts, like the plague.
The smell of chlorine and adrenaline is addictive. I wanted to whip somebody. Dad is gone and I can't prove that I heard his every directive, though I followed none of them. Sic'em.

Monday, November 9, 2009

...Serpentine fire

God's Boys will be good boys!

The difference between the serpent children and the mother children. Serpents have no alliances. They do not travel in families. They concern themselves with the spoil for the consumption of their own bodies. The children of the women have an alliance and a cause that is bigger than self. First they learn to concern themselves about mother and what mother has taught them, next they have family loyalties, then church and community loyalties and then world concerns. They are part of a team and what hurts the whole, in some way, they are concerned about. When they pray, there are priorities and order to their concerns. God is weaving the new heaven and the new earth with the children of the women whose God is the Lord. When they are in their place there is consistency and when they are absent there are holes. God has woven the holes into the pattern of the scheme of things, but what we leave to our children is the mass of discernable patterns of God's dealings or the tangled web of undescernable lines to be combed out. Do we give them the equipment to untangle what we have tangled? Do we give them the comb to untangle what we have left untended?
As those beautiful spirograph patterns, the couple is the two circles in the hands of the angels making family patterns which grow into community patterns which grow into country patterns which grow into world patterns. Each blessed interaction of the couple either condenses the pattern or loosens its grip. We can stop the pattern at any point refusing to dance together in the spirograph pattern, but we have to start again somewhere and we will get to that point in the pattern somewhere else along the struggle, if we live. These are the consistent echoes of God's mercy. Obeying God, when he said, be fruitful, multiply. Nobody reminds us that God said that. Don't be fruitful, don't multiply, it only gives us more mouths to feed, says the serpent. Obeying our first father Adam, Mother life, he commanded his wife. Don't mother life, says the world and the flesh and the devil. It will take all of your mind and your body and your strength. The serpent sits under the birthing table seeking to eat your best conceptions. We are birthing that protective spirit and we run as far from that serpent as we can. God gives us spiritual eyes to see him at each birth, it is more and more clear until it is nearly a consuming passion to protect your children from that serpent and they have to put you in the crazy house because you are too consumed with this. Still, to some extent it is God given. Mothering life and protecting your children from death, until God shows us the purposes for which we are here upon the earth. Building a team for God. A bunch of new spirograph patterns for the angels to adorn the sky with, for the glory of God.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bad Haircut day!

God's Boys will be good boys!

What can be worse? Going to school with a bad haircut or...Well, you took it well, I must say. I am proud that you are not crying and sullen because of a bad haircut. They used to tell us these things build character. They don't what you do with them builds character. It was said of John Wayne that any of the bad words the directors threw at him were like water off a duck's back. I think that it was just such bad hair days that caused him to be the person that people looked at. Character wasn't built by the circumstances but what was done in the circumstances.
Think about it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Don't think so hard, said Evvy. Can we stop this session with Dr. Phil and get on to the good stuff of life?

God's Boys will be good boys!

I think that is as valid a question as any, don't you? You said, I don't like that they made Linus look like a gullible character for believing the Bible. He was the one that believed the Bible stories and was looking for the Great Pumpkin as well. A valid point, I think.
I was saying do something about it. Evvy was saying don't you dare criticize Charles Schultz, like that. Psychoanalyzing him like you think that you are his equal. She does have a valid point, in retrospect. You have no right to criticize his characters until you have some of your own. Think...And Do.
Build, first your character and then that will touch the world around you. I don't think Linus was a mamby pamby character, but a youthful enjoying boy. Remembering your Creator in the days of your youth is a yoke to Jesus on the one hand and a freeing chance to soar on the other hand.
I think you really should listen to Ev on this one, man. Stop psychoanalyzing Charles Schultz and get inspired to participate in the life that God has given you.

Not to sound redundant but, I do think that there is one thing that Michael Jackson did do was BEAT IT.

I am certainly not criticizing you for thinking. And certainly not for thinking out loud. But, don't think so hard that it keeps you from striking while the iron is hot.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

To the beat of the rhythm of the night...

God's Boys will be good boys!

Keep your feet moving man. Nothing is worse than the stillness of the feet in death. My dad had his first stroke singing to the beat of the rhythm of the night. He was deep in the imagination of a rhumba with his wife who was away on a retreat and bam, the kiss of stroke was pressed upon him that he would never recover from. Moses said teach us to number our days. We can't move our feet after the stroke man, so move them now NOW. To the beat of whatever rhythm, night or light, God says that He is there. Just keep it moving and keep motivating your generation to move as well. The sin is when people motivate people to SIT ON IT! The devil comes as an angel of light. Sit down he says. Stop the heart, don't dance with your wife, don't rejoice with the wife of your youth you are too holy for those kinds of things. You miss your effectiveness and you will never get it back and don't be one of the pretend holy ones who separate the married from the love of eachother in such a way.
To the beat, now!

If I make my bed in Hell or sheol, Thou art there, says the Psalmist. In Christ, the night is redeemed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

6.At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice...Proverbs 7

a letter from your mother
God's Boys will be good boys!

Boys are taught by their fathers and other godly men how to avoid the wicked intentions of their own hearts. How to turn their hearts into the loyalty of a faithful man. Eve turned Adam's heart from God and we are always looking for the man to be loyal in his heart to us, as God charged Adam to be to Himself. God knows our hearts and we do not surprise Him ever. He was not surprised at Adam. Eve was and Adam was and perhaps the serpent was, but God was not. The man is never really faithful to the woman in his heart. Her desire is to have his unending devotion as she has sacrificed her whole self, but God will never intend for her to have it. That would be the submission of the man to the woman. God intends for the man to struggle to remain faithful, in spite of himself and for the woman to remain faithful inspite of knowing that she is not in his heart as he is in hers. This bitterness of the fruit of sin has led many to anger and unfaithfulness, but it is not meant to. God has made provision for us to reenter the Garden with Jesus in our relationships. Tell your story to your children. Tell your faith walk to your children and how the Lord has kept you, in spite of yourself and God will bless your house for the sake of His own great name.
Not unto us, Not unto us but unto Thy name be the Glory.
Even the errors that we make, can be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. When we think that we are standing it is only by His grace. When we fall, we can get up again by His grace. God has made provision for a lifelong investment of commitment and love that can last and reap benefits, if we fight against our own self serving tendencies. Don't say that you don't have them. Don't be stupid, Solomon was saying in Proverbs 7. I saw a really stupid boy who was not aware of the power of his passions. Don't be like that. Don't be a pistol without an aim and direction. Don't misfire into the air with your passions. You will pay for it for the rest of your life. The fire is real and should be respected. In the oven or hearth it is a service, outside of that it can destroy your entire life. Learn where the fire goes and warm yourself and cook your food, but don't be stupid.
We have the liberty to love many as brothers and sisters and aunts and mothers and fathers, but only one as wife or husband. Please, don't try to cut your heart in pieces and give it to more than one, you will drain yourself.
Tell the story of the faithfulness and salvation from yourself that God provokes in a godly relationship, if and when God blesses you to participate in one.
The more and varied lassos of connectiveness that you nurture in the oneness of the relationship that God grants are each like money in the bank. They yield dividends of commitment and fulfillment that you will never know if you turn yourself to the ways of your own heart. Reach for the smart and fruitful relationship and keep denying yourself. ...You will reap, if you faint not.
The day after the talk about the zydeco and Paul Simon telling his marriage story:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here we are in October!

God's Boys will be good boys!

What is a haircut? Didn't we have fun cutting your hair? Now we can see your scalp.:)LOL.
Early morning breakfasts with the family are the important time that we can get to know eachother. I really admire the quiet way that you pick up behind the little guys. It would be nice, if you took them around so that they could see what you do. Tidying up behind them and us is teamwork. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Celebrate, celebrate, Dance to the music!

God's Boys will be good boys!

God gives us all things richly to enjoy. Enjoy the beauty of the Highschool years. Remember your creator in the days of your youth. Look and do and care and see and don't forget that God is always at the peak of His strength and never loses his strength. One day you will be old and you will not have the strength to look or to pursue what you have the strength to pursue today. Run hard in the right direction and hopefully you will be too far in the right direction to divert later on! Ask God for precious perseverance.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

After 25 Years of the Thriller, The Professor is Gone!

God's Boys will be good boys!

He is gone, Michael Jackson. His music and his sheer volume of work and creativity remains for us to study and learn about the history and the times that his music personified. That timespan includes my entire lifetime. He transformed and personalized music and dance for our generation. We were not about the American Bandstand, anymore; it has a good beat and you can dance to it. We wanted to know what does it say. ABC, Stop the Love you save, we went from being directed and instructed by the Dynamic teams of Berry Gordy to the initiation of the artist completing his own expressions and bodies of Work. Thriller was the reality of permission to express ourselves to our generation. We had the privilege and the permission to celebrate and express halloween from our own age and viewpoint. Big Band had past. Doowop was history. The Beatles were for the hippies and over in the corner of America a generation was now brewing thought that was being heard and respected. Do that, my Boy. Think your thoughts affect your generation and thrill the world around you, starting at home! We are on the other side of our time to affect the world. Michael is dead! It is your turn now! Teach the world to sing and dance with knowledge and thought and conviction! Long live the king!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It has a grainy taste

God's Boys will be good boys!

Your first taste of coffee, to wake you up. You said to me, I taste milk and sugar, mmmm...And then, dirt or something else.
It has a grainy taste. You are obviously blessed with your mother's tastebuds. We have an uncanny way of insulting the chef, wherever we go. Try not to be like that, throughout life. Try to use some decorum with other people when you taste their stuff. To eachother, we can be perfectly honest. "Mom, I don't like coffee, but I would like to stay awake this morning." That is good. I love to hear what you tasted and what you thought. Others don't need to know the gory details.
Don't get hooked on coffee, if you can help it. Just, in a pinch, when you are very, very tired, a cup can keep you awake.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is it close to midnight?

God's Boys will be good boys!

5...4...3...2...1...Blast off! You are getting closer and closer to the identity that God intends for you, my son. Is your oil lamp on and burning? Do you have what it takes to hang onto Jesus, when the rubber meets the road?
God has the tools for you to be more than a conqueror? What is more than a conqueror? Foooey on those who tell you that maintaining your walk is more than a conqueror. You are supposed to be taking principalities and powers to task and overcoming them, by the Word of the Lord. Look at Caleb, in the scriptures.
E'en down to old age, on thy pathway to go, His grace all sufficient shall be thy supply. The soul, though all hell would endeavor to shake, God says that He will never, no, never, no, never forsake. God's promises are yea and amen to us. Take it on and be the quarterback for the next generation to take captivity captive and grow in obedience to the Lord in all of these areas. Use the tools that God has given, for His glory. He does give us all things richly to enjoy. Use the gifts wisely and purposefully.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Morning has broken...

God's Boys will be good boys!

This is the morning that my dear boy went outside and bowed before the Lord of Glory, on our lawn; committing his school year to God. He is certainly proactive about his faith and his life of faith. God grant him and productive and exemplary year.

Holy God we praise Thy name,
Lord of all We bow before Thee,
All on earth Thy truth acclaim,
All in heaven above adore Thee,
Infinite, Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

On the birth of another Enoch! Learning to lean on Jesus!

God's Boys will be good boys!

You were a surprise from heaven. We were delightedly surprised and amazingly blessed when God sent you to us. It was not clear, if we would have anymore children at one time. We thought that we would not be able to, after Baby Ben's sad day. We chose to be surprised at this baby. And there he was a 21 inch long stringbean Enoch. Your name was after the man who is still walking with God and never died. I spent the entire time of your infancy watching you, as though I could cause you to breathe or not. I tried to trust God everyday, but it was very hard in those days.
I was blessed to see a son to replace the one who was gone. My heart was not repaired but growing new, in that area.

I watched your every breath. Your finger was pointed to heaven. God is Lord and when I went into real anxiety attacks about your breathing patterns I would remind myself. "Enoch walked with God and He was not, for God took Him." God would remind me that He is in charge of life and death. I am on watch, with my infants, but, ultimately it is God who blesses our every breath.
You are 15 and still breathing, no thanks to me, of course. Thank God for you!
Rebuke is more effective for a wise man Than a hundred blows on a fool. Pr 17;10.

Who is the wise son? The son that is not ashamed to own that he is a sinner in front of the congregation. The son who will accept Christ whenever and wherever He is offered. Accepting Jesus, confessing sins and repenting of them, everywhere and at all times is a good sign of submission to Christ. As long as it is not the fear of man, which brings a snare. God will try the fear of man, on all points to show us where we are.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What? My son?

God's Boys will be good boys!

What is it that you want to be? That is a question that will take you a long time to figure out. Look around and dream. People love to ask children what they would like to be. Ask what you can do and dream and reach.
Look out, world! Enoch is going to High School! Yeah!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I like that you are asserting yourself.

God's Boys will be good boys!

You are not the boss of me. You are not the boss of your sisters and brothers, but your wise advice will be listened to and taken into consideration. Keep advising and keep introducing new thoughts, even when we don't listen, because those thoughts are for you to do for you!
We love you but you have to learn from obedience and from the mistakes that you make for yourself.
The checklist is great and lets move to a new level in organization around here. Today the fridge! Yuck!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why do I like Diversity and not Justin Timberlake?

God's Boys will be good boys!

I know that you want to know why I get annoyed at that Justin Timberlake and could watch diversity forever. I will tell you my son, if you will hear me. I see the mixture of the boys and girls in gyration, as much more sensual on the Justin Timberlake video than on the Diversity. It is just a blink in and a blink out, but it is very provocative. Maybe you don't know it yet, but, soon you will. The power of the woman's body has caused Adam to sell God out and made John the Baptist lose his head. There is little else that has such sway in the world. It is difficult to learn the self control that it takes not to be moved in a wicked way by the visuals of the human body. Diversity seems to be syncapating in precision to tell a story. Our souls are swayed and carried sometimes and at least our thoughts are captive to the moves of others. Care that we are respecting others in our admiration of their art. That is the point, I suppose.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A New Boy came home from camp.

God's Boys will be good boys!

A little slower at obedience, maybe, but also a little stronger in your own determinations. It makes me cry to see the umbillical cord distancing that much further with each step into adulthood. It seems so much more prominent with you. I know you love me. Keep on growing away from momma!

Monday, July 13, 2009

To market to market to buy a fat pig...Home again, home again, Jeggety Jig.

God's Boys will be good boys!

I am used to you being home and going out and coming in and seeing you children. We are blessed and I hope that you never forget the mercy of God to make provision for you to go to camp. I dropped you off. We took you there, with sister. And now we come home and the house is quiet and empty. Can it be quiet and empty with all of these people still here? Does anyone even notice that I am missing from the house? I do. Mom has a hole in her heart for each of her children when they are off. God has comfort for mommy, but it is quiet in that spot, nevertheless.
Have a good time!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are you a son of your father?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Do you know how very hard it is for fathers to be involved in their children's lives? I am sure you don't. Because your father makes it look so easy. He is practiced and has so many male role models. I am afraid that you will be shocked at the difficulty of what he does every every day! My dad was in awe of how easy your father made it look.
You need to watch him and mark the steps of the godly man and order your steps accordingly. Don't think that if you try to mark a new trail and raise your children outside of the fear of God that you will be blessed. It is the graciousness of God that gives men the power and the strength to stay with the likes of any woman and remain faithful. We must battle against our flesh and our hearts and the devil and it is surprising what enemies we are to our own determinations. We set a standard and they are tried as soon as we make them. Make sure that you are disciplining yourself to be a vowkeeper, or your children will grow up without the blessing that you have had.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Are you a Yankee Doodle Dandy?

God's Boys will be good boys!

A Yankee Doodle do or die? It is the fourth of July and we are celebrating the independence of the States. Celebrate Enjoy the day. Go and do it all, don't miss the Yankee Doodle sweethearts and the Yankee pride and joy. Count your blessings and not your losses as you have earlier.
Whatever you missed in your childhood, as a result of neglect or mistaken priorities, catch on the reruns. Don't just sit there and count them like you did. I didn't get this and that and the other thing. Other kids had this and that and the other thing. Many have things and stuff, you are saying. Don't miss the important stuff.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Did I tell you about the 120 days that I spent in the subway to get knowledge?

God's Boys will be good boys!

That is the amount of time that I spent 2 hrs eachway on the subway to Highschool. It totalled 120 days give or take a few hours or so. My dad would sometimes drop me at different stops to take some time off of my trip. I would have my bookbag always filled and heavy with all of my books and I would never know where he would drop me. Some stops were well lit and some were dark as night and fearful as all getout. I felt like I was being dropped or jumping from a plane into a secret mission. What the mission was I don't know. One thing I do know is that people were never meant to spend 4 hours a day under ground. Knowledge is not that far away and God is everywhere. We don't have to take a train 2 hours to find knowledge or wisdom or God. He is everpresent. Don't be deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows that will he also reap.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

If I were Michael Jackson, what wouldn't I do?

God's Boys will be good boys!

When Michael Jackson came on the scene, my dad gave us a long talking to about the direction of that lifestyle. Frankie Lymon had come before him and died a young death of a drug overdose. Live fast and large, die fast and big, was the lesson in the nutshell. We heard it over and over. I don't care how talented you are. There are certain things that are more important than having the world at your feet.
That poor little boy, dad would say. I don't envy him. I do, I said under my breath. When he didn't die at 20, we had won our case. See, dad, you were wrong again. Life is different now. A person can live with the sun and the moon and be a person and famous and talented and dance. Okay, he conceded, still watch, was the warning.

We watched and we listened and we danced to the music. Poor Michael, public person, public scandals, public life, no privacy, no life. Everybody clawing at a piece of his carcass, before death. It wasn't pretty. Ravens always around his half dead face and half living body and finally death. Now are the ravens happy?
Dance, my boy. Dance and be alive. Don't seek the limelight, be thrilled by the monotony of conformity to Christ. Don't seek the limelight, be thrilled by the monotony of committed love. A little money in the bank everyday. A little loving expression to those around you daily is far greater an account in the long run than a concert at Madison Square Garden. Learn to be thrilled with the day to day. Learn to shun the fawning of the fake and the famous. Live and laugh and entertain the most important people and Love with your heart!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thank you cards are so important!

God's Boys will be good boys!

I just got a thank you card from one of the societies and it reminded me that I am so negligent in writing Thank you cards. I don't want you to be, my son. Thank your grandmother for the gifts, even though you only saw it in the dinner and breakfast that you ate last week.
Thank the other people in your life. Remember to write a thank you to each of the teachers who have take the time to pour into your life real knowledge. You know the ones that I mean. The ones that you learned something from. Say good morning and good afternoon in the classes and don't act like the teacher is there to serve you as a servant. You are blessed to have them imparting knowledge to you.
I would hope that God would not have to teach you this the hard way. Sometimes He takes you out of a happy state for a while so that you can know His mercies when you see it.
When all thy mercies, O My God, my rising soul surveys transported with the view I'm lost in wonder love and praise.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It seems that motherhood through the teen years

God's Boys will be good boys!

Is reminding the young man of some of his interests, before he started noticing girls. Was there ever a time when girls were not a distraction? His eyes seem to say to me. Am I going to survive this super sensitive hormonal time? You will survive son. We are hanging on to you in prayer. Clay and funnies and dancing and all of the other interests seem to fall into insignificance for the visual and emotional distraction that there is another group of people in the world now. Where did they come from? It didn't seem like they were on the planet before now? Why is that mother? They are such a distraction. How do I negotiate these turns and twists of interests?
Pastor Martin used to say, some things are old man, some things are new man and some things are human. You are human and men notice women, honey. That is a beautiful and glorious thing. God gave that to you. Be motivated and impressed to glorify God with your body, which belongs to God. God is great and greatly to be praised for making you grow up into a man. It seems very slow and tedious at this point, but learn everything that God has for you.

There are 3 things that are too wonderful for me, yea four which I know not; The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent on a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea and the way of a man with a maid. Proverbs 30;18 and 19.

These are turbulent times my son. Have your soul anchored. Enjoy the reality of Christs redemption, but more so the provision of God's protection and keeping power.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Captain's Blog...Star Date June 6, 2009

God's Boys will be good boys!

I took off to watch my precious eldest son at the awards ceremony of his 8th grade class. No titles, no awards, just good sportsmanship. The toss and the serve and I am ready and he is ready to put the pressure of expectation upon himself for the high-school agenda. I love the look of lust in his eye. Lust for recognition, lust for excellence. It is within him and an excellent motivation to proceed with. I always have it for him, but it means nothing, if he has it not for himself.
I admire my relationship with my father even more, as it has prepared me for the wrestling and serving up balls to play against this alter ego of myself in my son. It seems that all of the family comes to the aid of a mother seeking the wisdom of God in rearing her many children. Is this serve going to be an American twist or a flat serve down the line? I have to consider my ways when talking to him and strategizing how to motivate him. Hands off, for the most part, not too much coddling or cajoling.

I snuck into the dance, just long enough to witness him doing the cupid shuffle. I felt like dad. Don't look at me, I would say. Don't look at me, he says. Here we are doing the same thing all over again. The generations are hugging eachother throughout time. God has made us for His own glory and we seek to glorify Him and be what He made us to be. We cannot get away from God's creation of us. Halleluia! Dance, he did, and pretty well. I love seeing him free and care free and still just as competitive as my father and I. What a man, if handled rightly.

God may choose to challenge him by taking me out of the mix, through death, as He did with Horatio. God may choose to challenge me through him to love him and be there as a reference here on earth. Whichever, through life or through death, I am his mother and my prints are already upon him.

Reading Arthur Ashe and Horatio Nelson tells me that God often does great things through men who live with the maternal longing at a young age. They have that yearning to see their mother one day. It is a palpable and tasteable sense to them. The grief, is a prod and the crushing effect is God trampling out the vintage, so to speak. So, it doesn't matter to me which way, though I think I can do him some good if left here. God knows which way is best.

Summer is coming and Enoch is motivated to work on his scholastic ability over the summer because of not getting any awards this year. That is pacing. A kick in the pants. What is his motive? What is his goal? Thrilled to be your mother.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thrilling 15?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Disenchantment begins at 15, mostly. What else is there? This question can lead us down many a wrong path. Where am I? What is life about and for? Where are the thrills that I was looking for? Your soul is not a closet for packing as much as you can. Your soul is for instructing and considering. We try to thrill our own souls and overwhelm our senses with every consideration. Not good. Do you love life and want to see good days? says the Psalmist. Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guile. What does that have to do with thrills and goodness? we wonder? Carefully dancing around the considerations is walking circumspectly. Thinking and planning and keeping your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guile. Is this thing that I am doing a real recreation? Is it an edification?
In a way our 15 age is the age that we realize that we do have some authority about where we are going and we do have some determination. Pacing yourself, instructing your conscience and doing all that is in your hand to do. With your might, do it. That which you can do with a good conscience, do it. Enjoy it and then go on to the next thing. Birthdays are for repenting. Birthdays are for planning and birthdays are for dreaming. Keep on dancing and keep on dreaming.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I was impressed with the content of that Science Journal.

God's Boys will be good boys!

Creativity is your strongpoint, now follow it up with some substance. This lateness thing has got to stop.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

86 or 89 on the paper and a greater determination

God's Boys will be good boys!

To do your work to the glory of God. I am glad to see that kick to the finish line in this last couple of weeks of school. You are working on the projects which are due and you are delighting me with your intensity to see better grades. I am truly pleased with that. I love to see your kindness and your sweetness, but I am impressed with your determined applying yourself to your work.
Let's not wait so long to get into the swing of things next year. Highschool is about coming out of the starting block kicking!

Friday, April 10, 2009

On a Scale of 1-10 where 10 is the best.

God's Boys will be good boys!

He says it was a 9. We will see if pride is detected or if his perception of his presentation was accurate. Is pride the folly of the teen years, it is good to perceive within yourself, if your perceptions of yourself are to the right or to the left of reality. It will guage your way through life. When we calculate the zero for not putting in the previous project in on time a 9 is what you need to stay right in the middle of the road.
We both know that we don't want too much attention for being too smart. So you missed yesterday's opportunity and will ace today's. That is not wise, but it is the habit. Try getting 80's all of the time and finishing every project, instead of sprinting hard because you didn't finish the last time. Let's see if there will be more peace in heart and mind and the house then.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thrilled to work on a goal!

God's Boys will be good boys!

Getting closer to the straight A's. I am glad to see the improvement, my boy. We are laboring and studying more than ever. Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is midnight?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Midnight is full launch, my boy. You are not there yet, but soon. The day will come when you have full responsibility over your own conscience. The day when mom and dad won't see and won't know what you are doing. Teach us, we pray to the Lord, to number our days. But then, we grow up and we don't have mom and dad and the other preservatives in our lives.
Is the something lurking going to attack you and take you into the grasp of the hounds of Hell? That is the question that Professor Jackson places before us in the Thriller. Will you face them clothed in the righteousness of another, or will you try to face them in your own strength? Read, as it were, the esteemed professors dissertation on accountability. We dance to the beat and have no sense that we are embibing the dissertation. Some evil and some to good use. This one, is fraught with wisdom and guidance about our considerations in the time of trouble and temptation. There is a real devil and much of the temptation comes from within our own hearts. He has no solution dilineated, but the problem has been mapped out exquisitely.
God gives us many days of accountability, on earth to prepare us for That Day.
You and I are no match for the hounds of Hell. Ask yourself? Am I any match for this? No. Seek the Lord.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thrilled to have the freedom to pursue happiness!

God's Boys will be good boys!

We live in a free country! Life, liberty and the pursuit...of...happiness? Is that still a part of the country that we have inherited. We are very blessed to be endowed by our creator with this as an inalienable right...
I saw a very little baby this morning, sitting in front of me at church. Not an unusual sight and you know how much I like babies. This baby was not swaddled and so she was reaching out looking for the limits of the area around her. Not an unusual activity for a newborn. Fast asleep, her little arms reached as far as they could, searching for the pouch that had been her home for the prior months while she was inside her mommy. The walls were not there. She grinned in her sleep and reached out again. No walls were there between she and her daddy. Further and further she reached until she woke herself up reaching and when she opened her eyes there was daddy. No walls between them anymore and they were lovingly gazing into eachother's eyes, like they couldn't have done just a few weeks before.
I said to myself, that is the pursuit of happiness. Reaching and reaching for the walls which were around you yesterday and being born out of limitations into the liberty of seeing our Heavenly Father's loving gaze and thoughtful provisions for us, even in the storms and even in our sleep.

I want to be born into the liberty in Christ everyday, to pursue the, all things richly to enjoy, that God has given.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saved, as brands from the burning.

God's Boys will be good boys!

When we get a sizeable burn, like yours, this morning, it reminds me that, by grace we have been saved through faith. It is a gift from God, not of works. The devil attempts to grab us through our minds and our eyes and burns our consciences with sights and sounds that threaten to sear us, through our consciences. We must resist him and we must take these lessons of serious burns to know that God is greater and can cleanse us from the most serious blot on our souls. We must resist the devil and cling to Christ in all of His power to save us from the flames and the torment of Hell. It is truly of the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
I said that over your cradle everyday to myself to remember that life and death are in the control of the Lord in heaven. I couldn't sleep, afraid that the angel of death would come to carry my second son with him as he had my first. My only comfort was that verse. I deserve far worse, because of my sins, but God is rich in mercy and has not yet consumed me, in my grief, though often I feel at the precipice.
Don't let the arm of your soul spend too much time near the heat of the wrong things on the internet, soul burns are far worse than skin burns.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I was so surprised that you...

God's Boys will be good boys!

took it upon yourself to entertain us with a puppet show in the backseat of the car when we were on the way to church. I looked at the camera and saw this surprising video of the adventures that happen when your father and I are conversing in the front of the car. You are the tallest person, almost in the family and I was admiring how you humble yourself daily to take the rear seat to the ladies, without a word of complaint about it. And to add to that that you entertain them in the rear seat with your stories as well is...THRILLING, at least to me. I am your mother, though. I know very little that will grow the virtues of godliness better than a large crop of siblings toting around with you wherever you are.

Those boys are at your beck and call and I hope that you will remember that they are listening, when you are out and about.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometimes I take a music fast!

A City set upon a hill cannot be hidden?

God's Boys will be good boys!
I would hope that you would also consider the season and take music fasts, son. Or fasts of some thing that is too familiar and at risk of having the dominance of your life. Not in a way that takes you into captivity, by its removal, or makes you proud. That would defeat the purpose. The scriptures say, don't walk around trying to look like you are fasting. Don't put others in captivity by creating a fast for just any little thing. But, be blessed in the season when you draw near to God in one or more area of life, know that He will draw near to you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When God takes the kingdoms of this world and sits them on the shoulders of His Son...

God's Boys will be good boys!

Will you be ready? The dances of this world and the music of the world all submit to the glory of God. He is above it all. He lives above it all. He is the great God who uses the principalities and the powers of this world to paint the living tapestry for His own glory. God's glory is what it is all about. Not your glory or even your fun.
He gives us all things richly to enjoy and I pray that you would not be bound by people who would manipulate your conscience for their own profit. They would have you not use the gifts and talents that God has given for His own glory. I don't know why? I think it is just power hungry people, who want to see people love and serve the God of their imaginations. God is good, people will use and manipulate the consciences of others for their own good purposes. Do all that you do for the glory of God!
Serve and grow and be and live and give God the glory. Thrill us all with your gifts, my son!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why am I learning now?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Take dominion over the laziness of your mind first. It is midnight, when you don't equip yourself to do battle with the forces of darkness and principalities of philosophy which invade the world which you are in. Did we or did we not, come to this country in chains. If you want to remain in the chains of ignorance, keep refusing to take captivity captive in your mind and in your spirit. This country is a place where free people can grow and learn and there are not the limitation impinged upon our forefather's any longer. Read, listen, learn and grow. Do not let people limit you by telling you that you can't. You can! and you will!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How will we know when it is close to midnight?

God's Boys will be good boys!

Who knows when it is dark than the darkness? Listen and tell me that, if the devil says it is midnight, it is either midnight or mid day. Be ready, my boy! Something is lurking. When you get to this age, if you are not aware of the demon in your own soul, you will be deceived by your own senses.
This PORK BILL and the economic resultants of our own selfish spending speaks of the wickedness of our own lives. Learn to be forward thinking and using the means which we have. Don't use the terror tactics to manipulate people. Walk in circumspectly and not as a fool, understanding the will of the Lord. He has laid it out for you. Walk in that. Don't partake in the fearsome lifestyle that will cause your flesh to decompose before your eyes. Live in the light of God and interpret everything around you in the light of God's revelation.

Friday, February 6, 2009

It is close to midnight!

God's Boys will be good boys!

Are your passions lurking? Always! Passions are lurking, greed and covetousness and pride are lurking deeply, from within and without. Don't bother screaming. How can a young man keep his way pure?
Go back to the basics. Go back to the beginning. Pray and read, read and pray and if you don't the opposite will occur you will sulk and prey. There is no neutrality!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Carry your thrills to the foot of the cross!

God's Boys will be good boys!

What a beautiful thing when a man can say that he is rearing children to the glory of God! It takes a strong and decisive hand and a capable mind to raise children to give God the glory in everything. We do lose sight of this end when we go through the middleschool years. Aim to be a man of God and aim to do your best in all that you do. Give of yourself to God's glory and your life will be blessed.
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guile. Reality is that the thrill of life is seeing what God is able to do through the likes of fallen humanity. Is that not amazing!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School!

God's Boys will be good boys!

Taking stock of the use of your mind! I told you this morning that I really believe that the only reason that God preserved the wicked king Nebuchadnezzar was because he was the one to make good and right use of the minds of the Hebrew boys. Whatever else wicked he did, he challenged and worked those boys minds to the use in the entire world. We have that responsibility to challenge and use the minds that God gave us for His glory and for a good use in the world around us. We are awaiting His appearing (Paroucia) in the meantime, let us take captivity captive. Not just sitting and waiting, but making good use of the sword of the spirit.
Daniel got to use the sword of the spirit in the most wicked civilization and God was not mocked and not overcome by the odds. 4 godly minds in an entire wicked empire were not overthrown or overwrought. God is sovereign over all of the universe. Every philosphy is subject to Him! You will never know this unless you challenge your mind to take to task every philosophy that overwhelms you. Don't give it up and say, I can't do that. It is not for me. Challenge yourself and see what God can do. The Hebrew boys did it under threat of death, you do it under the goodness of God and the promise of life!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

You are a scream, On Tuesday!

God's Boys will be good boys!

What a humorist you have become? It is fun to practice the voices and the moves that entertain the family in our boring times while, doing dishes and laundry and the other times that we are together. Keep smiling and entertaining us. It is what makes the life that we live hopeful and encouraging. It is a gift to make people laugh and smile. God makes us smile and laugh. Imagine the one who designed the laugh of the hyena and the sound of the ocean cares about our enjoyments. He has given us all things richly to enjoy. We enjoy you and your humorous bent. Thank you for sharing it with us!